Designação do projeto: Modernisation process at Lobo à Serra

Project ID: NORTE-07-5141-FEDER-000400

Main goal: Promoting social integration and combating poverty and all forms of discrimination

Intervention region: North

Beneficiary organisation: Lobo à Serra – Atividades Turísticas, Unipessoal Lda.

Approval date: 25-03-2019

Start Date: 26-12-2017

End date: 25-12-2019

Total eligible cost: 53.413,79€

European Union financial support: 21.365,52€

Objectives, activities and results to be achieved:

The company defends and presents the following strategic objectives:

  • Record a turnover that allows an adequate return on invested capital;
  • Developing exports so that they become one of the pillars of Lobo à Serra’s business and growth, investing in a strong international marketing campaign so as to achieve an internationalisation rate of 70% in 2019;
  • Investing in an efficient sales force in order to achieve annual sales growth of at least 30 per cent;
  • To be recognised in the national and international market as a company of excellence that provides high quality services;
  • To invest in the sustained growth of its human resources team by hiring 1 new human resource in the short term.